I returneth.

I have just got back from Norfolk, where we have been filming Danger UXB 2011, a reworking of the 1970s classic television series. I have to say I had my doubts about this particular venture, I dislike this cheap no ideas culture which stifles modern talent, but they then said a couple of things which perked my interest in the project in a bank transfer, which is nice.

The writer is Dan Ogilby, a talented young man who worked on many projects, including ‘Whoops Mrs Ogg’, ‘Bernie Cliftons’ Big Top Special’ and Panorama.

Dan is not one of those writers who insists on everything being ‘just so’. In my experience many writers make the mistake that actors don’t know how to deliver lines, where to stand or indeed lack any acting skills at all. Dan is not one of them. He let me get on, delivering my lines, often with an expression of pure absorbtion for my portrayal of Benning, the chief accounts manager for the UXB Team. His silence was appreciated, a mark of respect almost, and his obvious delight at my work encouraged him to tell the director to shoot my scenes for the entire series first. Out the corner of my eye I noticed his wide eyes studying my technique, and several times I did note my emoting elicited his hands to be placed over his face, obviously to cover himself from the truth of the human condition I was demonstrating. Wonderful man. Even made sure some runner drove me to the bus station and saw me safely onto the bus.

When I enquired about a second series, he simply said “you’ve done enough”. Obviously presenting a rounded character and fully exploring the nooks and crannies of Bennings’ personality has been more than sufficient.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tarquin I so completely understand your genius
    Anita Drink
